Who is a special minister of the Eucharist or Lector?
A Catholic lay person who has received the sacraments of initiation--Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. A person who is willing to make a commitment to serve. By prayerful responding to God’s love and call, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors are to be visible signs of faith, hope and love to all parishioners.
Minister of the Eucharist
Does your love for the Eucharist include desire to distribute Communion at Mass or take Eucharist to hospitals, nursing homes or the homebound? Would you like to become more active in your parish liturgy by distributing Communion as a extraordinary minister of the Eucharist? Do you wonder what is required to become a special minister of the Eucharist? A special minister of the Eucharist primarily and sincerely believes in Christ’s Eucharistic presence and deeply appreciates the divine gift shared in ministry. The Eucharist is at once a sacrifice, thanksgiving, praise, nourishment, healing, giving and receiving. It capsulates our faith in Jesus’ saving acts through his life, death and resurrection. A special minister of the Eucharist, in giving Christ to the communicant, witnesses to Christ’s love.
Reading at Mass
Do you ever wish you could lector at Mass? Do you wonder what it takes to be a lector? Do you yearn to participate more actively in the liturgy? As you listen to the readings do you feel the call to liturgical ministry to proclaim the Word of God? To proclaim Scripture in the worshiping community as a lector is a sacred trust. As the voice of the Lord, the lector needs to be an ardent lover of Sacred Scripture.